Picnic Island Restoration Begins Monday July 29
On Monday July 29 SCLA volunteers and contractor, Nile of Chequamagon Environmental will work to restore the shoreland of Picnic Island on Big Spider by installing two erosion control practices: diversion and rock infiltration.
Native plants (the final element of the restoration) will be planted in the fall 2024. SCLA will send an email to members when a date is set for planting.
Feel free to boat or kayak to Picnic Island between 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Monday, July 29 to watch FROM YOUR BOAT (!) the installation in progress.
To view the site plans click here. For background information and more details see below or go to the Picnic Island Project page of the website.
On June 18, WDNR Lake Biologist Scott Van Egeren and Picnic Island Project Contractor Nile Merton of Chequamegon Environmental presented an energizing summary of shoreland practices and the science behind the most effective lake protection methods.
Click here for a copy of the presentation which gives you practical ideas on how to manage your property while protecting the lake.
Education Committee Vice Chair Mary Keating is coordinating the "Picnic Island Restoration Project" which is a living tutorial on ways you can manage your shoreland. A call to action for volunteers to work on Picnic Island is underway. Volunteering for this project is a win-win: you help restore the island while learning tips on how to improve your own shoreland.
Thank you Mary and the Education Committee for your energizing work to teach us how to protect Spider Lake.
Go to the Shoreline Stewardship and Picnic Island Project pages for more details and resources.