Thank you to the 150+ families who renewed your membership for 2019 -- and to the 120 who renewed at a FISH Tier (we have 3 Record Muskies so far!)
If you have not already done so,
Send your renewal to SCLA P.O. Box 1082, Hayward, WI 54843 (or Renew Online here).
New this year: RENEW AT A FISH TIER to help cover current expenses. Annual dues of $25 cover only a tiny fraction of our annual costs to protect and preserve our lakes. The cost of our mission activities is closer to $250 per family. Please renew at one of the FISH TIERS below to help us cover our costs:
BASS: $250
Renewals received after December 31st do not qualify for 2019 membership. Active, current, paid members receive SpiderLines, email alerts/updates and a Member Directory. Please support your lake association by renewing at a Fish Tier!