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  • 08/30/2017 7:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    In the Fall of 2016 Michael and Margaret O'Sullivan donated a conservation easement to protect their property against further development.  The easement is designed to preserve their land as wildlife habitat and to help protect the water quality of Spider Lake and surrounding waters.  The O'Sullivans worked with Bayfield Regional Conservancy, a land trust that works with property owners to protect habitat in four counties of Northwest Wisconsin.  In May 2017 the O'Sullivan family announced their donation to their neighbors and to SCLA members at the Annual Meeting.  The family hopes that their gift will inspire other property owners on the Spider Chain of Lakes to consider the benefits of conservation easements for their own property.  Thank you, O'Sullivan family, for your inspirational leadership!

    For more details on this story (the original article from Bayfield Regional Conservancy), click here.

  • 07/13/2017 6:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The first “Wine and Wisdom” Social at the Spider Lake Golf Resort on Clear Lake was a resounding success.  Nearly 50 people gathered for appetizers, drinks and socializing with their neighbors. 

    Cable Natural History Museum naturalist John Kudlas engaged the crowd with the “Benefits and Importance of Shoreland Protection and Restoration”.  Deb Amery of Spider Lake showed the shoreline restoration project that was completed on the Amerys’ land last year.

    Kudlas spoke of the essential role of the “Riparian Buffer Strip: That strip of land where water meets land near a lake or stream.  It can extend into the water for hundreds of feet.  This margin of land is where all life comes together…abridge between two worlds. It is a place essential for a diversity of plants and animals to survive.  In fact 90% of all life found on our lakes and rivers are found in this riparian zone.”  (from Shoreline Restoration—Lakeshore Owners Guidebook)  

    Thanks to all who made this event a success!

  • 07/08/2017 2:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sunday, September 3, 2017

    4:00 - 7:00 p.m.

    North Star Camp for Boys,  on Boys Camp Road

    Enjoy a picnic dinner including hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches

    from one of our own lake neighbors:  Mike B and Black Iron Bar and Grill

    (gluten free buns available)

    Adults = $15/person

    Children 5 – 10 years = $5

    Under age 5 = free

    Please bring an appetizer or a dessert to share

    Register by August 27

    Sign up and pay online:  Spiderchainoflakes.org 


     RSVP (and pay at picnic)

    gpblayney@gmail.com and lynn.okuno@gmail.com

    Join more than 150 lake friends as we celebrate the Labor Day Weekend and the beautiful Spider Chain of Lakes we love so dearly.

    We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • 07/05/2017 10:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yellow Flag Iris has recently been discovered in several locations on the Spider Chain of Lakes.

    YELLOW FLAG IRIS is an aggressive INVASIVE PLANT that poses a significant threat to our lake system. Your URGENT action is needed!  See picture on the AIS tab of this website.

    Iris pseudacorus is a fast-growing and fast-spreading invasive plant that can outcompete other wetland plants, forming almost impenetrable thickets, in much the same way as cat-tails (Typha) do. “Individuals produce from several dozen to several hundred rooted rosettes and flowering shoots connected by durable rhizomes” (Falinska 1986).

    This is urgent because Yellow Flag Iris plants produce seed heads at this time of the year. Each capsule releases up to 120 buoyant seeds, with 95% of them able to float for up to two months. We want to remove the plants before the seed heads mature!

    What you can do to help protect Spider Chain of Lakes:

    • Check your property for any Yellow Flag Iris.
    • If you find Yellow Flag Iris, and the plant is accessible, remove the plant as follows:
    • Wear gloves; skin irritation can occur with contact with plant roots.
    • Clip flower heads and pull or dig out plants and roots.
    • Place all plant material in garbage bags and take to Town Hall Solid Waste, at no charge.
    • If you cannot access the roots of the plant, remove the flowers and seed pods (wearing gloves), bag the material, and take it to Town Hall Solid Waste, at no charge.
    ·      If you are unable to check your property or need help to remove Yellow Flag Iris, let us know by contacting: Spiderchainoflakes@gmail.com

    Tell us your property location, and site of Yellow Flag Iris on your property. We will ask volunteers to check your property and remove plants from your shoreline.

    Volunteer to help remove Yellow Flag Iris from designated areas by sending your contact info to: Spiderchainoflakes@gmail.com

    If you are able and willing, please take photos before and after removal of Yellow Flag Iris, and send them to us (at email address above) so we can document how well our efforts work.

    Thank you for helping to protect our beautiful chain of lakes!

    The Aquatic Invasive Species Committee of the Spider Chain of Lakes Association

  • 07/04/2017 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you to the over 50 BOATS FULL OF Families who participated in the 2017 Boat Parade

    Our new hosts provided a spectacular location for the parade this year.  The Singers, Mamminga/Oatman Band all added beauty and goosebump inducing moments

    Thank you to outgoing Commodore Arnie Hill and Incoming Commodore Scott Crosby!

  • 07/04/2017 9:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Spider Lakes Environmental Education for Kids (SLEEK) Drew over 50 Children and 20 Adults!

    Over 70 adults and children learned how to talk like a loon at SLEEK 2017. Naturalists from the Cable Natural History Museum explained what makes loons unique and the important role they play on our lakes.  

    Thank you to Sue Lebby and her band of volunteers who created such an interesting, fun, interactive event with professionals from Cable Natural History Museum.   Stay tuned for the 2018 program!

  • 07/01/2017 9:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Step 1.  Login to www.spiderchainoflakes.org using your email and password.  Forgot your password?  Click the link and follow the instructions to reset.

    Step 2.  Find the Event*. On the lower right side of the home page, under UPCOMING EVENTS, click on the blue date for the picnic:  September 3, 2017.  This will take you to the event details, and at the bottom of the page you will see a REGISTER button.  Click it.

    Step 3.  Register.  If you are registering just YOURSELF, the instructions are self-explanatory.  If you are registering YOURSELF and OTHERS, please register yourself first, then include the other members of your party as GUESTS.  (Otherwise, you’ll end up having to do each entry separately).

    Step 4.  Decide how you will pay. If you want to pay online, please follow the guidance provided.  You can pay using PayPal if you have an account, or you can use a debit or credit card (with a credit or debit card, the payment will still be labeled as PayPal on your bank statement).

    If you want to pay at the picnic or by mail, you may click the button labeled ‘Invoice Me’, and we will accept your checks or cash by mail or at the Picnic. You can mail checks to:  SCLA,  PO Box 1082,  Hayward, WI 54843.

    *Please remember that this event is for SCLA Members and their guests.  While you’re on line, you can check to see if your membership is current (if it’s not, you can renew online while you’re there!).  Otherwise, you can renew as you check in for the Picnic.

    Thanks so much, and we look forward to seeing you at the Picnic!

  • 04/26/2017 9:18 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    NEW! 2017 SCLA Rapid Response Plan For Aquatic Invasive Species Added to Website

    What happens if you spot a suspicious plant near your shoreline?  The SCLA Rapid Response Plan on the Invasive Species TAB of this website provides guidance and contacts for you to analyze and report your concerns.  Click on Invasive Species tab for the full Plan.

  • 03/22/2017 6:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2017 MEMBER DIRECTORY - Sent To Active Members*

    The 2017 Member Directory was mailed to all ACTIVE Members* in early March.  If corrections are needed, please send them via email: spiderchainoflakes@gmail.com.  

    * An active member is a member who is current in their dues.

    Need Help Updating Your Profile?  Send an email with your contact information and we will enter it for you!  Or send your tel. number to spiderchainoflakes@gmail.com -- we will call you to help.  And if your family members from afar (or near) wish to stay in touch, invite them to JOIN SCLA

  • 02/08/2017 9:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SCLA President, Steve Smith's SCLA Presidents Letter Spring 2017.docx celebrates Gratitude, Joy, Appreciation and Hope for all that is Spider Chain of Lakes Association.  It also reveals progress made through December 31, 2016 in support of the "Preserve & Protect" and Annual Giving Program: a total of $413,000 received (plus $73,000 in outstanding pledges).  

    25 Families each contributed $5,000 or more, and another 21 families each contributed $1,000 or more during the 2014 - 2016 period.  Over 80 benefactors contributed, which brought us to 34% of our $1.2 million goal to improve the financial sustainability of our organization and mission.  THANK YOU, Benefactors!


Spider Chain of Lakes Association
PO Box 1082 • Hayward, WI 54843SpiderChainOfLakes@gmail.com

Spider Chain of Lakes Association is a Wisconsin 501(c)3 Corporation. Contributions are tax deductible where allowed by law. 
SCLA Tax ID is 39-1480182.

Copyright © 2025  - Spider Chain of Lakes Association
Website Design by NewPath Consulting 
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software