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  • 02/08/2017 9:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SCLA President, Steve Smith's SCLA Presidents Letter Spring 2017.docx celebrates Gratitude, Joy, Appreciation and Hope for all that is Spider Chain of Lakes Association.  It also reveals progress made through December 31, 2016 in support of the "Preserve & Protect" and Annual Giving Program: a total of $413,000 received (plus $73,000 in outstanding pledges).  

    25 Families each contributed $5,000 or more, and another 21 families each contributed $1,000 or more during the 2014 - 2016 period.  Over 80 benefactors contributed, which brought us to 34% of our $1.2 million goal to improve the financial sustainability of our organization and mission.  THANK YOU, Benefactors!

  • 10/01/2016 12:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It was a busy summer for aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Sawyer County. While a lot of work was accomplished around the county, not everything was positive. Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) was found in two new lakes this summer and hybrid milfoil (a cross between Eurasian watermilfoil and native Northern watermilfoil) was confirmed in Lake Hayward.  The Round Lake POA confirmed treatment of 26 acres of the lake for invasive species over the summer.

    Eurasian watermilfoil is feathery underwater foliage. It forms very dense mats of vegetation on the surface hindering fishing, wildlife, and boating and can rob oxygen from the water. Spring growth starts sooner than native aquatic plants and can shade out these beneficial plants. EWM is spread from lake to lake on boat trailers and water left in the motors and is very hard to eradicate. /milfoil.html

    Small populations of EWM were found in Tiger Cat Flowage and Lost Land Lake by the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission in July of 2013. Both lake associations rose to the task of surveying and removing the EWM. Continued monitoring of the lakes has not found any more EWM. Surveys will be continued in the spring to look for EWM to catch any new growth early. While no more EWM has been found in either lake, the chance of not finding any next year (i.e., eradicating the EWM completely) is not likely. However, both infestations were very new in the lake and that is usually the best scenario for any possible eradication. Time will tell! 

    There are a TWO things you can do to help prevent the introduction and establishment of EWM to your lake.

    First, make sure all boats are clean whenever you are traveling between lakes or have guests that bring their own boats. If someone makes repairs on your boat, make sure that it is clean before you put the boat back in the water (especially make sure all water is out of the motor.)

    Second, keep an intact shoreline buffer!  Keep things native and wild to keep out Eurasian watermilfoil and purple loose- strife! This strip of native plants is recommended to be 35 feet wide from the water, not mowed, and left undisturbed except for an area to access the water. Manipulation of the shoreline and in-water areas leads to increased sedimentation, excess nutrients, and low competition-

    perfect areas for an invasive species to become established.  The less impact you have on your shoreline and beach areas, the better. The Spider Chain of Lakes is a beautiful area full of native plants that support a wide variety of wildlife and fish. 

    This one may not seem as obvious as the others, but an intact and natural shoreline will help reduce the chance of an invasive species becoming established in the water and on the shoreline. An intact shoreline is a consistent strip of native plants that will make it harder for invasive species to find enough room to become established.
  • 07/02/2016 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    S.L.E.E.K. Update!

    It was a beautiful day at North Star Camp for the annual SLEEK (Spider Lake Environmental Education for Kids) day on July 2nd.  The Cable Natural History Museum provided a fun program along with their educational Raptors.  We learned about Raptor's  unique characteristics that aid them in hunting for prey.  Surprisingly our Spider Lake kids already knew a great deal about raptors as was demonstrated by the many questions asked of them by the presenter. The museum staff are experts in holding the interests of kids especially when they demonstrated the strength of an egg.  Everyone present was spell bound by the demonstration.  There was 80# of kids sitting on the egg and it didn’t break.  It took the adult naturalist to sit on it before it broke to applause from the audience.  The point was then made that using pesticides with DDT can cause  egg shells to become weak resulting in plummeting bird populations.  The kids were also involved in a shore line search demonstrating the importance of a healthy lake eco system and the balance of nature.   If our lake isn’t healthy it affects everything in our eco system including  the water we drink.  Participants all received starter binoculars to spur their interest in bird watching.  We have a unique community of people on Spider Lake who are concerned about keeping our lake environment pristine and want to make sure that their children carry on that ethic.  Thanks to all who participated and to Kris Dew for the beautiful pictures and to Steven and Natalie Halderson (the Ramsay Grandchildren) for volunteering.

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Spider Chain of Lakes Association
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