Wine & Wisdom -- Native Plants
Thursday, June 8th
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Blackiron Bar and Grill
12131 W. State Road 77, Hayward
We are excited to bring back our Wine and Wisdom learning series, focused on shoreland best practices. We've recruited experts to teach us how to invest in our own properties in each of the three buffer zones. Presenter: Natalie Erler, Sawyer County Zoning & Conservation
Our first session will be focused on native plants. Did you know that native vegetation can discourage undesirable, exotic species, such as purple loosestrife, from overtaking your property and can deter Canada Geese from loitering on your lawn?
Join us to gather, grab a beverage of choice (cash bar), and meet new friends. Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 6th. For complete list of 2023 Wine & Wisdom events (June-Sept) go to the EVENTS PAGE and register - they are all free and open to the public.